Does Deus Ex: Mankind Divided deserve a sequel?

When we think about high profile video games that cane out within the past couple of years one of the few titles that comes to mind is Deus Ex: Mankind Divided from 2016. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was a game of multiple genres including ARPG, stealth along with being a first-person shooter as well. The Deus Ex series has been around since 00’s and many people have their respective opinions on which entry is the best within the entire series. While many people believe that the original Deus Ex game from ’00 was the best many people believe the two games that we got in the 10’s were better. Deus Ex: Human Revolution from ’11 had excellent storytelling with in game mechanics that were equally as impressive. The dialogue choices that players were presented with in terms of conversations were also a strong positive as well. Deus Ex: Human Revolution also provides players with at least 25 hours of gameplay with the inclusion of side quests from the main story. Deus Ex: Human Revolution from ’16 only provides players with up to 15-20 hours of gameplay in relation the the main story mode on average.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided provided players with a total of 17 missions throughout the game; while having a futuristic look and a narrative that emphasizes conspiracy theories as it relates to secret societies in the world. The theme along with the storyline was both frightening and intriguing and made for a great ARPG for the PS4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. One of the main downsides to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided was the lack of character development as it relates to the story’s narrative. The stealth gameplay along with the focus on augmentation customization were also seen in a positive light by critics and along those played Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Seeing how popular the series has been during the 10’s decade there are many who believe that Deus Ex: Mankind Divided definitely deserves a sequel. The phrase “Mankind Divided” seemingly has more meaning now in America than it did towards the start of the 10’s decade. Also, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided painted an ominous picture of what the future could possibly look like 2029 even though the game itself is meant to be mainly fictional. As it currently stands there has really been no announcements regarding Eidos Montreal and Square Enix about a potential sequel for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. However a direct sequel for Mankind Divided with be a huge attraction on game systems such as PS5 and the Xbox Series X if it were to happen.

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