Should Marvel vs Capcom Infinite be ported for the Xbox One X and PlayStation Neo?

There are many people who are excited about the upcoming release of Marvel vs Capcom Infinite for Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 in September 2017.  Since both Sony and Microsoft plan on releasing new game consoles in the near future many people are wondering whether or not Marvel vs Capcom Infinite will be ported for the PlayStation Neo or the Xbox One X.  At this point it seems likely that it will eventually happen since they are both next generation consoles.

However, neither Sony or Microsoft has confirmed whether or not Marvel vs Capcom Infinite will be ported for the PlayStation Neo or the Xbox One X.  Even if Marvel vs Capcom Infinite was ported for both consoles in the future most people will probably buy it for the PlayStation 4 or the Xbox One X since they already have both consoles.  

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