Retro Gaming 90’s- Fallout (1997)

The original Fallout game from ’97 is quite possibly one of the most legendary RPG’s to have emerged from the 90’s decade. The first Fallout title came out back in Fall 1997 and it was a post-apocalyptic role-playing and was released for MS-DOS and Mac OS. The reason why the original Fallout game was so special was because it was a creation that came before Bethsheda. Fallout was a Interplay Productions creation where the plot of the game was set during 22nd century. The game allowed players to control the main protagonist known as the Vault Dweller who was tasked with trying to stay alive while restoring the water supply in Southern California in 2161 after it fails. Fallout allowed players to receive missions through interacting with NPC’s and allowed players to up their stats throughout the game including strength, stamina, endurance, charisma, intelligence, luck and agility. Players were presented with three playable characters and could gather experience points throughout the game while being able to customize their characters attributes. The creativity in the original Fallout game was very impressive because the game emphasized players utilizing salvage materials in a post apocalyptic world to survive.

The original Fallout game saw players using bottle caps as currency in order to purchase goods. Fallout also felt very realistic in relation to quests especially considering the fact that players only had 150 days in order to complete one of them. The “Animal Friend” mechanic was a nice touch that added more depth to the realism of Fallout since animals were either friendly or hostile to the players depending on what level their character was on. The turn-based action point gameplay in Fallout was pretty cool even though it was something that is generally uncommon in modern day RPG’s today. The 3D character models along with the trimetric perspective and in-depth gaming mechanics are among the many features that makes Fallout one of the greatest RPG’s from the 90’s. Also, the setting taking place in 2161 more than half a century following a brutal nuclear war between America and China is pretty cool especially considering the rumors about a potential armed conflict between both countries going around today. The original Fallout game from ’97 felt like it was ahead of its time and it should have been a bigger commercial success than it ended up being during the late 90’s. Its hard to believe that Interplay Productions invested $3 million into the production of the original Fallout game from ’97. After Fallout ’97 was released more than 25. years ago nobody expected the franchise to become as popular as it did during the late 00’s-early 10’s. The original Fallout is a far better game than Fallout 76 and its quite possibly one of the most underrated RPG’s from the late 90’s in general.

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