Gears of War E-Day Looks Promising

Gears of War E-Day is one of the big games that everyone is still talking about following the Xbox Games Showcase which took place on June 9th. Gears of War E-Day will be developed by The Coalition and published Xbox Games Studios. This game will be the first installment within the series since the Gears 5 game from 2019. The trailer for the upcoming Gears of War game looked intense and will be a third-person shooter that features heavy blood and gore. The Gears of War series started back in 2006 and throughout the late 2000’s and most of the 2010’s ended up becoming one of the most popular third-person shooters in gaming history. Everyone will be happy to know that Marcus Fenix will be returning in Gears of War E-Day but disappointed to know that its a prequel to the original game opposed to a sequel for Gears 5. There has been no mention of a potential Gears 6 in the future and while its been confirmed that Gears of War E-Day will be appearing on Xbox Series no official release date has been provided. There has been speculation about Gars of War E-Day possibly being released in 2025 but we have no idea how far the creators have got in development.

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